Everything from a single source
For almost 50 years, afaw has been working successfully for the carny trade. We have designed, painted, equipped and marketed many legendary and successful Showmen Businesses - from ferris wheels and roller coasters to confectionery shops.
Afaw's showmen businesses are distinguished by their professional design. The individual design and the exciting "packaging" are the secret of a positive communication with the audience and the basis for the success of a showman business.
The afaw team offers a unique full service from the idea to the execution:
• Experienced, creative graphic designers for idea, design and graphics
• Trained advertising technicians for typography and design
• Motivated, first-class artists for paintings
• Paint sprayer for optimum paint and varnish build-up
• Experienced metal and wood builders for decorations, fronts, etc.
• Electricians who implement the lighting technology professionally
The best specialists for every craft - that's what makes success possible!
...because showmen deserve the best!

© by afaw. All contents, photos, texts and graphics are protected by copyright. They may not be copied, modified, reproduced or published in whole or in part without prior written permission.
Anubis, Aeronaut, Pandora, Alpina-Bahn, Bora-Bora, Coffee-Bar-Cuba, Devil Rock, Flash (Weber), Toontown, Thriller, Riesenrad-Bellevue, Grüne-Hölle, Break-Dancer, Gewinn-Bagger, Schnipp Schnapp ...und meins, Mr. Crabs, Teddy, Shake, von Salzen Fischinsel, Captn Stone´s Cool Caribik, Forlani Jumper, Keuneke Imbisss, Brinksmann´s Fussball-Fanmeile, Diebold Super-Scooter, Kracke Verlosung, Jupiter Riesenrad, Mr. Schäfers-Flying-Machine, Insider, Roll-Over, INDIAGO, Power-Tower, Crazy-Beach, The Tower (Blume), Don Karacho, Piraten Rutsche, Happy-Traveller, Commander, Circus-Circus, Newcomer, Meinecke Musikexpress, Skyliner, Silber-Mine, Topper, Schatzkiste, Freddy Outback, Marcel Müllers Piraten, Fun-City, Phaenomenon, Black-Hole, Techno-Power, Euro-Star, Rocket, Caesar-Palace, Kartoffel & Co, Pizza-Forlani, Lehmann's-Reibekuchen, Prey Berliner, Sonnenberg Rostbratwurst, 2 x Glücks-Prinz, Peking-Chinaimbiss, Spring-Frosch, El Sombrero, Pizza-Fehlauer, Langenscheidt-Eis, Bohne-Vespermann-Eis, Vespermann-Mandeln, Popcorn-Popp, Fliegende Teppiche von Weber, Show-der-Sensationen, Schreibers Waffelbäckerei, Golden-Globe, Brunke-Berliner, Glücks-Bringer, Bongartz-Märchenwelt, Zuckerstübchen-Dettinger, Revue-der-Illusionen, BUNGEE, Wendler-Kräuter-Bonbons, World of Fantasy, Cafè-Jonny-Schulze, Jeschky-Mandel, Eckl-Süsswaren, Western-Shooting, Szabo-Mandelbrennerei, Westendorf-Zuckerpalast, Eisneger-Schlaraffenland, Dom-Bäckerei Hamburg, Krimplstötter-Schlaraffenland, Hensel-Fisch, Ahrens-Eis, Top-Shop, Formel 1, Schneider-Imbiss, Winter-Friesenkate, Zschaler-Imbiss, Hanse-Kogge, Peters-Creperie, Glück's-König, Casino-Royal, Spiel Palast, Jolly-Joker, Glücks-Palast, Derby-Day, Wüsten-Derby, Jackpot, Königseder Gyros, Meeresfrüchte-Wagner, Schlittenfahrt, Ralley-Truck, Rudi-der-kleine-Vampier, Cadillac-Scooter, Las-Vegas-rollendes-Glück, Trollmann-München, Tiffany-Schmuck-Boutique, Kampf der Giganten, Michel-Zylinderwerfen, Heinz-Süsswaren, Lustige Seefahrt-Müller Berlin, Bergmeyer-Süsswaren, various sales, children's rides... and many more!